There's a common narrative about the "solar panels" that Jimmy
Carter installed on the White Hoose. The narrative is that as
part of the fossil fuel industry killing renewables, Reagan
removed the panels when he got into office, and we are much
worse off because of that one action. In fact Reagan did
make major policy decisions to deprioritize research into
renewables. Perhaps the panels are a symbol of the path into
ubiquitous renewable energy. I would suggest they are not, and
the issue of renewable research, which I strongly support, needs
to be completely separated from an objective analysis of any
installation of any particular technology in any particular
These were not solar panels as commonly understood, but
solar-thermal panels. With any alternative energy we need to
look at Energy Returned on (Energy) Investment (EROI). If a
fuel or energy source requires almost as much or more energy to
create it as we get during its lifespan, then using it is not
going to lower CO2 and help solve the problem of too much CO2.
The issue of whether a particular technology makes sense in a
particular situation needs to be analyzed objectively. Quite
often the cost of a product or fuel, including maintenance
costs, can be used as a proxy for energy investement.
Lower EROI can be ok as explained
There are situations in which investing in energy resources with very
low EROI values can make sense--for example, if most of that energy
investment is front-loaded and the subsequent operating energy
requirements are relatively low. This is the case with solar water
heating. It takes a lot of energy to produce copper absorber plates,
piping, and other solar collector components--but most of those energy
inputs are "upstream" (that is, they have already been expended by the
time your solar water heating system is hooked up).
A lot of the usefulness depends on the location. Solar heating
of hot water has decades of popularity and use in California,
Florida, Israel, and other mild locations. We also need to
look at how the warmed water is used. Is warmed water, mostly in
summer, universally useful? Unfortunately, no. We can glean
that conclusion from the results at Unity College, near the
coast of Maine, which is not a good location.

American article starts with:
On June 20, 1979, the Carter administration installed 32
panels designed to harvest the sun's rays and use them to heat
Here is what Carter predicted at the dedication ceremony: "In
the year 2000 this solar water heater behind me, which is
being dedicated today, will still be here supplying cheap,
efficient energy…. A generation from now, this solar heater
can either be a curiosity, a museum piece, an example of a
road not taken or it can be just a small part of one of the
greatest and most exciting adventures ever undertaken by the
American people."
The SciAm article laments that some, in fact, all, of the panels are
now in museums or storage as Carter "feared". The article explains
that the publicity director of Unity College in Maine wrote to
Carter in 1991 who wrote back "It would please me very much to see
those panels in use again." From the SciAm article:
Driving the future In fact, since 1992 16 of the 32 solar
panels have been on the Unity College cafeteria roof, located just
15 minutes from the often overcast coast of Maine, warming water in
summer and winter. The rest went back into
too big to fit in an area that is
much smaller than the White House roof. Once Marbach arrived
back at the college, donations flooded in to help refurbish and
install them, including a gift of $150,000 worth of pre–Mobil merger
Exxon stock, money from actress Glenn Close and a mention by Al Gore
during a campaign stop in Maine that year.
"From around the country, we just got lots of letters, phone calls
of support, and it just sort of restarted the whole conversation
about alternative energy," Marbach recalls. "Imagine where we would
be today if those panels were left there, if the Reagan
administration had continued the funding."
This document states exactly where we would be:
The President has established a goal that would require the
installation of at million solar water heaters by 1985 and
20 million water heating systems by the year 2000
We would be poorer and have 10's of millions of
solar-thermal panels in warehouses or more likely in
landfills. Or we would need a lot more very large museums.
The panels were only marginally cost-effective on the White
House (at $28,000 plus maintenance compared to relatively
cheap gas water heating) and certainly were not
cost-effective in Maine.
In fact omitting any EROI analysis is a major deficiency in the
Sci Am article, especially considering the apparent short lifespan.
Thermal panels are not economical in Maine or even on the White
House roof due to its gas water heating. Even the solar thermal
greenhouse at Unity College is now covered over since it
provides only unwanted heat in the summer and very likely net
negative heat in the winter. The claim that the panels were too
big to fit the roof in Maine is an outright falsehood. Also
claiming they work in winter.
Solar thermal water heating is much like that attached greenhouse,
shown in the pictures below, now missing or covered. It
provides plenty of heat in the summer when you don't need as
much, and not much (or zero for these water-filled panels) in
the winter when you need more heat. It may be untrue that
panels were removed from the White House for no reason. They
were removed during roof repair in 1986 and not reinstalled
possibly because they were not cost-effective.
The panels were removed in 1986
during the Reagan Presidency and obtained by Unity College in
1991. Sixteen were refurbished and installed atop the college
cafeteria. They heated water until 2005 when they reached
their maximum lifespan.
Did it really take more than $150,000 to refurbish "perfectly
good, working" panels and operate them from 1992-2005?
Special Editor's Note from the EcoMall: In 1980, the Reagan
administration removed perfectly good, working solar thermal panels
from the White House (these same solar collectors are still working at
Unity College in Unity, Maine). The EcoMall spearheaded the Proposal
to Solarize the White House, forming "The Solar Campaign" with other
solar energy advocates, and posted an alert at our site asking our
visitors to e-mail The White House urging them to use renewable energy
technologies on the White House grounds. We are happy to report that
23 years after the previous solar panels were removed, two solar
thermal systems and a 9 kW photovoltaic (PV) solar electricity system
have returned to the White House.
Since September 2002, a grid of 167 solar panels on the roof of a
maintenance shed has been delivering electricity to the White
House grounds. Another solar installation has been helping to
provide hot water. Yet another has been heating the water in the
presidential pool.
The White House and the National Park Service, which oversee
the projects, could not say how much power the systems are
generating -- or how much money they are saving the public. But the
Park Service and the Solar Energy Industries Association, a trade
association, agreed the projects are small.
With Washington's climate and the pitch of the building roofs
considered less than ideal, the output of any system would be limited,
said one of the project's managers.
"I think the symbolic nature of this exceeds the actual
kilowatts produced," said SEIA spokesman Michael Paranzino.

In other words, even some current panels may
have negative EROI. The WH roof is flat and the panels were angled
at about 45 degrees. That means the backs of the panels were
completely exposed to cold and therefore much less effective in cold
but nonfreezing weather. The panels were removed from the WH in
1986 during roof repair, left in storage until 1991, refurbished and
installed at Unity in 1992 and taken out of service in 2005. That's
three decades of service at Unity according to Bill
(click to enlarge photo)
The story is painful even to consider. This panel went up on the
White House roof in 1979, with then-president Jimmy Carter (in a
wide tie, and with a bushy haircut) promising that it would still be
there in the year 2000, producing hot water from the sun for whoever
was then president. In fact, it didn’t make it through the next
decade — it came down in the Reagan years, a symbol of our decision
to turn away from the idea of limits and veer sharply down the path
we’ve trod ever since.
But not everyone went along. Frugal folks at Unity College in Maine
salvaged the panels, and put them up on the cafeteria, where they
continued to produce hot water for the next three decades.
York Times June 21, 1979:
He stood in front of four large panels, called collectors, fitted with
rods that circulate sun‐heated water through connecting pipes to a
storage tank, much as a normal heater does. If the collectors do not
bring the water up to tap temperatures, a regular heater turns on. The
system will be used mostly for the White House staff mess.
Mr. Carter said the system, which cost $28,000 to install, would pay
for itself in seven to 10 years.
Let's assume the panels operating in Maine had 50% solar energy
collection efficiency, with the rest of the system at 50% efficiency
with pumping and cooling losses. For DC see (1). The insolation at
Washington DC is 4.5 kWh per square meter per day. Assume the
system can be run for 7 months before being drained for freezing
Annual energy collection for Washington, D.C.:
7 months * 30.5 days * 4.5kWh/day/m
2 * 300 square meters * 0.31 = 89,350 kWh
From 1979 to 1986 the average price of electricity was 7 cents / kWh.
After being installed in Maine the annual energy collection is:
5 months * 30.5 days * 4.2kWh/day/m
2 * 150 square meters * 0.25 = 24,000 kWh
From 1992 to 2005 the average price of electricity was 8.5 cents / kWh.
(1): a 1980 analysis shows system effciencies in
Washington DC of 0.26 to 0.36
Energy saved annually
Annual savings
Total savings
Cost of system
Wash. DC
89,350 kWh
24,000 kWh
Note that the savings in the table above assume resistive
electric water heating. Natural gas water heating at the White
House in 1980 was three times cheaper, see (1) above for costs.
Gas was 3.5x cheaper but gas was only 85% efficient versus 100%
for electric hot water.
If the $28k is accurate the panels could have positive EROI
with less than five years to return the energy costs of
electrical resistive heat with energy from the sun. But the
Maine numbers don't look as good. Also we would need to know
why the panels needed refurbshing after just 7 years on the WH
roof and 6 years in a warehouse. Were they damaged?
Specifically, we need to know how much energy was required to
restore and maintain them for their lifespan. Finally do they
only operate for 20 years? That seems too short.
Symbolism is not going to save the world from too much CO2.
Misrepresenting what the panels what the panels did and what
they can do is not helpful. They did not work in the winter
for example. They did not work for three decades in Maine. I
conclude they were essentially useless in Maine with negative
EROI. Reducing our fossil use is good. But pretending we are
reducing is not.